Unidroit, pronto il programma per giuristi africani

Il corso si svolgerà a Roma tra giugno e luglio, le candidature vanno presentate entro il 28 febbraio

Pubblicato:30-01-2023 00:56
Ultimo aggiornamento:30-01-2023 00:56

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ROMA – Giudici, avvocati dello Stato ed estensori di testi legislativi provenienti da Paesi africani hanno tempo fino al 28 febbraio per candidarsi all’International Program for Law and Development, un’iniziativa di Unidroit, l’Istituto internazionale per l’unificazione del diritto privato che ha sede a Roma.
Il programma, riferisce l’organizzazione internazionale, fondata nel 1926 e oggi con 63 Stati membri di cinque continenti, si svolgerà dal 5 giugno al 3 luglio, in lingua inglese. La partecipazione sarà online da remoto per le prime due settimane e poi in presenza nelle ultime tre, a Roma, nella sede di Unidroit in via Panisperna 28. Previsto un numero limitato di borse, fino a un valore di 2.800 euro, come contributo per i costi di viaggio e di soggiorno.

Unidroit sottolinea che sono incoraggiate le candidature di persone con disabilità, anche con relative indicazioni sulle esigenze di alloggio e sistemazione, e che un altro criterio di riferimento nella selezione è la parità di genere.

Nelle domande gli aspiranti partecipanti dovranno produrre documenti in inglese con l’indicazione di almeno tre materie per loro di rilievo tra quelle del Programma, un curriculm vitae e una lettera di autorizzazione da parte della propria istituzione di provenienza. Le richieste dovranno essere inviate agli indirizzi e-mail mettendo in copia, Marco Nicoli, direttore dell’International Program for Law and Development.

Le materie del Programma sono: Introduction to the role of transnational law and unification; International commercial contracts: Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (Upicc) and the Model Clauses for the Use of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts; Private law and sustainable agriculture: Legal Guides on Contract Farming and on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts; Access to finance: Cape Town Convention and relevant Protocols on Aircraft Equipment, Railway Rolling Stock, Space Assets, and Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment; Unidroit’s work on Warehouse Receipt Financing and Factoring; Law of cultural property: Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects; Model Provisions on State Ownership of Undiscovered Cultural Objects; Procedural law and enforcement; Law and technology: Digital Assets and Private Law.


Judges, public lawyers, and senior legislative drafters from African countries have time until February 28 to apply for the International Program for Law and Development, an initiative of UnIdroit, the Institute international for the unification of private law which has its headquarters in Rome.

According to the international organization, founded in 1926 and today with 63 Member States from five continents, the Program will take place from 5 June to 3 July, in English. Participation will be online remotely for the first two weeks e then in presence in the last three, in Rome, at the Unidroit headquarters in via Panisperna 28.

A limited number of scholarships will be granted, up to a value of 2,800 euros, as a contribution to cover travel and accommodation costs. Unidroit underlines that applications from people with disabilities are incouraged and that another criterion of selection is gender equality.

In the applications, the aspiring participants will have to produce documents in English with an indication of at least three subjects for relevant among those of the Programme, a curriculum vitae e a letter of approval from your institution from.
Applications should be sent to email addresses copying, Marco Nicoli, director of the International Program for Law and Development.

The subjects of the program are: Introduction to the role of transnational law and unification; International commercial contracts: Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (Upicc) and the Model Clauses for the Use of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts.
Private law and sustainable agriculture: Legal Guides on Contract Farming and on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts; Access to finance: Cape Town Convention and relevant Protocols on Aircraft Equipment, Railway Rolling Stock, Space Assets, and Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment; Unidroit’s work on Warehouse Receipt Financing and Factoring; Law of cultural property: Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects; Model Provisions on State Ownership of Undiscovered Cultural Objects; Procedural law and enforcement; Law and technology: Digital Assets and Private Law.

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